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En corde v francoščini pomeni vrvi. Ime sem iskala zelo dolgo, saj sem hotela, da le-to ponazarja glavno značilnost mojega nakita. 


Sem Teja Šavli in že od nekdaj rada ustvarjam nakit. Ko sem postala mamica sem rabila nekaj samo zase, za svojo dušo. Tako je nastala moja umetniška znamka in se uradno pojavila na facebooku konec septembra 2014. 


Ročno izdelan nakit iz vrvi ima orientalski in morski pridih. Primeren je za vse starosti in priložnosti, saj se lahko v vrv ujamejo različne barve in stili. 


Moj življenjski moto: ”Poslušajte sebe in sledite svojim sanjam ter bodite vztrajni na svoji poti, kjer se boste srečali tako z vzponi kot padci. Ne obupat! Vsaka stvar rabi svoj čas.”.


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En corde in French means a rope. The name I was looking for a very long time, because I wanted that represents the main feature of my jewelry. 


My name is Teja Šavli and I have always loved creating jewelry. When I became a mother, I needed something just for myself. Because of that I formed my artistic mark, which officially appeared on facebook at the end of September 2014. 


My handmade jewelry has oriental and marine touch. It is suitable for all ages and opportunities, because rope fits to all styles and colours.  


My life motto is: "Listen to yourself and follow your dreams and be persistent on your way, where you will meet with highs ad downs. Do not give up!  Everything needs time. "




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